trust where you are

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have you ever taken the time to reflect on your life and started putting two and two together and actually got 4 or maybe 6? yeah it happens to me all the time, I will be sitting down thinking about my life and all I’ve been through and realize that as corny as it sounds, hindsight really is 2020.

it often takes you to get to the other side of a situation to see how it worked out for your good. there are so many instances that I look back on and can’t believe I made it out. the funniest part of it all is that we consistently need to remind ourselves of what we’ve overcome in an effort to endure our current circumstances.

I have had my fair share of character-building moments and when I tell you each time my response is always the same. I just know and feel that this has to be the end and I can’t possibly see my way out. but contrary to those limiting beliefs I not only make it out but I make it through and elevate beyond what I could even imagine. & that is what I assume life is all about — uncovering hidden strengths and truths that only the toughest situations could birth.

so if you are going through a rough time, ( it’s 2021 so it’s safe to say we all are) then this Is a friendly reminder to take some time to reflect and realize all that you have overcome. doing this will help you trust that where you are is where you need to be in an effort to get where you are going.

tough times don’t last always, this season is making sense in the grand scheme of things. you got this!

xx, Six