july's mood

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the mood for this month is progression.

pro·gres·sion /prəˈɡreSHən/ the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.

have you ever been in a season where everything seems to just not be going your way? yeah, well that is my current season. after a period of what seemed to be constant loss and releasing, I was thinking that last month would be the month where all things would be replenished and I would get to see my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. contrary to my desires, I’ve found myself having to continue to surrender and be obedient. this my friends is not easy by any means it is truly a time of pressing and stretching.

after countless journal entries, intention setting, and manifesting rituals I really felt like something had to shake but what has been revealed to me was the fact that I had bought into the drug of our society — instant gratification. Very similar to the children of Israel in the book of Exodus…

When the king sent the people out of Egypt, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was the shortest way. God said, “If they have to fight, they might change their minds and go back to Egypt. - Exodus 13:17

God has me taking the long way as a means to groom me to become who he has called me to be. He even had me go back to my parent’s house for an indefinite amount of time as I continue to become who he is calling me to be. What I am learning is that sometimes where you are is not about you, sometimes you are meant to serve the kingdom in ways that are not so glamourous. You may have to serve many seasons in the background to get to your glorious show-stopping season. But, progression is progression no matter how you flip it. I am learning that in the seasons where I’m not the front runner I just have to be patient and trust that my time will come.

I tried so hard to fight this season but all that did was prolong things and cause more confusion. Now I am making the conscious effort to surrender to the moment and take things day by day because that’s all I can really do. It may not be my time to shine in the way that I want but I trust that God is cultivating my blessing in the background. In his perfect timing what I am dreaming and asking for will come to pass and all I have to do is work on being the person worthy of it all.

here are some tips that I am utilizing this season to help me along this journey:

  1. journaling - (yall know I swear by this) keep a record of how you are feeling on a daily basis so that you can be able to reflect on the good and bad times.

  2. consult God - you probably didn’t realize you have a built-in life coach but… aside from praying you can also just chat with God and ask for a strategy on anything going on in life.

  3. take inspired action - trust those nudges and random thoughts that you get by acting on them. there’s no such thing as a coincidence, Spirit is conspiring with the universe on your behalf but you have to allow it.

  4. stay inspired - even in the thick of it, make sure to continue to do those little things that bring you joy. don’t deprive yourself of good experiences because you aren’t a fan of your present circumstance.

  5. align with your higher self - contrary to how you feel or where you are do your best to do what’s necessary to look and feel the part. (even in the countryside you can catch me in a blazer & a summer trouser look.

I hope you find one or all of these tips helpful. Remember, you have to be the energy you wish to attract. You are a human being so be yourself authentically and watch how your vibrations rise and things align in your favor.

xx, Six