May's Mood

The Mood for this month is Expectant.

In my last blog post from February, I spoke about my decision to practice lent as a way to disconnect, reflect and go inward. I knew going into this challenge I would end up feeling renewed and learn so much about myself. I went in expecting God to make some major moves in preparation for the elevation he was beginning to reveal to me. When I tell y’all that he did not miss, he exceeded my expectations as always.

First things first, I gave up Instagram and Twitter because they were my biggest addictions and mind/time-wasters — Instagram more than Twitter, but they both needed a rest. While there is a degree of good that comes from social media, the negative aspects began to take over in my world. I noticed myself constantly comparing, second-guessing, and over curating my life to meet the gram’s standards. I was well aware that God had me in a season of unlearning and relearning but staying so connected to outside influence and opinions was clouding my mind.

It has now been two and a half months since I gave up IG & Twitter and my life has changed so much! I have been able to indulge in the present, tap back in with Spirit and fully relinquish control over my life. This time of introspection has taught me how to co-create with my Spiritual team, increase my faith and really engineer my life based upon my desires, not the world’s standards. I have been praying, studying, and reading more and as a result, my spiritual sensitivity has heightened tremendously.

With my new sense of spiritual awareness, I feel like I am able to take each day as it comes and allow Spirit to bless me in a way that’s aligned with my highest self. I also, feel as though the self-development journey I began back in 2018 has now resumed full force but with more of a spiritual focus than before. I have really started to analyze what in life lights me up and truly brings me joy and I feel that all of this introspection has helped me realize my life’s mission. I feel as though Spirit has been guiding me on this unique journey that is designed for me to release and allow myself to live a more spiritual life. I no longer wish to do things the “right” way, I want to live as Spirit has intended for me to live.

As for my mood for the month, I am expectant that all that I have been manifesting and praying for will come to pass in ways that exceed what I can even imagine. I have been working so hard on myself and have willingly let go of things, places, and people who no longer serve me or my highest self. As a result, I have been receiving very clear divine downloads from Spirit on how to move forward in this next phase of my journey. All that is required from me now is obedience and I am working daily to take inspired action and trust that God will reward all my hard work.

Here are some of the major things I am expecting:

  1. New Luxury Highrise Apartment

  2. Heightened Brand Awareness for my Personal Brand + Biz

  3. Triple my current monthly Income

What are you expecting God to do for you in this next season? Write the vision and make it plain in the comments below as a way to claim it.

& So it is.